The Office of the Provost, under the leadership of Alan Sams, Provost and Executive Vice President, provides academic leadership, strategic planning and budgeting, manages faculty affairs, drives research and innovation, programs for student success and academic policies and facilititates collaboration and partnerships - delivering on the educational mission of the university.

Robert B. Adieh
Vice President for Professional Schools & Programs School of Law- dean@law.tamu.edu
- 817-212-3838

Julie Mosbo Ballestro
Assistant Provost of University Libraries University Librarian Libraries

Michael Johnson, Ph.D.
Interim Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Associate Provost for Academic Enhancement Office of the Provost- mdjohnson@tamu.edu
- 979.845.4016

Timothy C. Powers
Assistant Vice President Chief of Staff to the Provost & Executive Vice President Office of the Provost- tim_powers@tamu.edu
- 979-845-4016

Chris Reed
Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Chief Enrollment Officer Enrollment Management- creed@tamu.edu
- 979-458-0972

Timothy P. Scott, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Office of the Provost- t-scott@tamu.edu
- 979-845-4016

Fuhui Tong, Ph.D. '06
Associate Provost and Dean Graduate and Professional School- fuhuitong@tamu.edu
- 979-845-7979
Deans of Colleges & Schools
Texas A&M is one of the largest public universities in the nation, and one of the few to have land-, sea- and space-grant designations. We are also the flagship university of The Texas A&M University System and a member of the Association of American Universities.
Composed of 17 Colleges and Schools, and two branch campuses, Texas A&M offers an educational path for you to realize your professional aspirations. Another feather in our cap just in: Texas A&M also earned the #1 Best Value School in Texas public universities by the U.S. News & World Report in 2024.

Robert B. Adieh
Vice President for Professional Schools & Programs School of Law- dean@law.tamu.edu
- 817-212-3838

Robert H. Bishop
Vice Chancellor and Dean College of Engineering- engineeringvcd@tamu.edu
- 979-845-1306

Timothy B. Boone
Interim Dean School of Engineering Medicine- tboone1955@tamu.edu
- 716-67768414

Tim McLaughlin
Dean School of Performance, Visualization & Fine Arts- timm@tamu.edu
- 979-458-7832

Michael De Miranda
Dean School of Education & Human Development- demiranda@tamu.edu
- 979-845-8384

Jeff Savell
Vice Chancellor and Dean College of Agriculture & Life Sciences- j-savell@tamu.edu
- 979-314-8002

John B. Sherman
Dean Bush School of Government & Public Service- johnsherman92@tamu.edu
- 979-862-8007

Debbie Thomas
Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer (TAMUG) Texas A&M University at Galveston- dthomas@tamu.edu
- 409-740-4409